Why a Fireplace?

From an elemental standpoint, fire is king. From a design standpoint, the regal ambiance a fireplace brings to a space is undeniable. With today’s hearth innovations and technologies, it’s possible to include a fireplace in virtually any room in your residential or commercial project.


Gas fueled fireplaces offer the most versatility of placement, model variety, and technology. Majestic gas fueled fireplaces will not only add an unforgettable focal point to your home, but ambiance and comfort to the spaces you’re creating to deliver an experience of royal proportions. Clean-burning and efficient, building and design professionals typically include at least one gas fueled fireplace in entry level new construction homes as well as a second or third fireplace when planning move-up or luxury/custom properties.


Majestic wood burning fireplaces are a robust, reliable and budget-friendly alternative to true masonry fireplaces and are ideal for projects where the hearth is used seasonally or when end-users are seeking the hands-on experience of a woodfueled appliance. It’s important to understand local codes when specifying wood burning models, particularly when seeking to comply with EPA requirements and other state, city or provincial mandates.

New homebuyers rank fireplaces as the #1 most desired decorative appearance product in a new home

Adding a fireplace can increase a home’s resale value by 6-12%.*

* National Association of Real Estate Appraisers, 2/26/20

Direct vent gas is the preferred technology in every green building program.

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